Probefahrt & Beratungstermin
Veröffentlicht am: 23.05.2024

Strong appearance thanks to a unique exterior design

The new Hyundai SANTE FE

The clean lines and striking silhouette of the new SANTA FE are the result of its long wheelbase and wide rear section. The high bonnet, the H-shaped headlights and the powerful wings give the vehicle an impression of grandeur. The H-shaped headlights harmonise with the H motif in the lower section of the front end, creating a complete appearance. The H-shaped design elements reinterpret the “H” emblem in the Hyundai logo.

The new Hyundai SANTA FE exterior
The new Hyundai SANTA FE interior

Pre-booking the new Hyundai SANTA FE

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I. Die Informationen erfolgen gemäß der Pkw-Energieverbrauchskennzeichnungsverordnung. Die angegebenen Werte wurden nach dem vorgeschriebenen Messverfahren WLTP (Worldwide Harmonised Light-Duty Vehicles Test Procedure) ermittelt. Der Kraftstoffverbrauch und der CO₂-Ausstoß eines Pkw sind nicht nur von der effizienten Ausnutzung des Kraftstoffs durch den Pkw, sondern auch vom Fahrstil und anderen nichttechnischen Faktoren abhängig. CO₂ ist das für die Erderwärmung hauptverantwortliche Treibhausgas. Ein Leitfaden über den Kraftstoffverbrauch und die CO₂-Emissionen aller in Deutschland angebotenen neuen Pkw-Modelle ist unentgeltlich einsehbar an jedem Verkaufsort in Deutschland, an dem neue Pkw ausgestellt oder angeboten werden. Der Leitfaden ist auch hier abrufbar:

* Under WLTP consumption values, you will find further information on the fuel consumption and CO₂ emission values according to the more realistic WLTP (Worldwide harmonised Light vehicles Test Procedure) test procedure.

The stated values were determined in accordance with the prescribed measurement procedures (Section 2 Nos. 5, 6, 6a PKW-EnVKV in the currently valid version). CO2 emissions resulting from the production and provision of the fuel or other energy sources are not taken into account when determining CO₂ emissions in accordance with Directive 1999/94/EC. The information does not refer to an individual vehicle and does not form part of the offer, but serves solely to compare the different vehicle types. Note in accordance with Directive 1999/94/EC: The fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions of a vehicle depend not only on the efficient use of fuel by the vehicle, but are also influenced by driving behaviour, the selected wheel and tyre size, the mass of the vehicle and other non-technical factors. CO₂ is the main greenhouse gas responsible for global warming. Further information on the official fuel consumption and the official specific CO₂ emissions of new passenger cars can be found in the “Guide on fuel consumption, CO₂ emissions and electricity consumption of new passenger cars”, which is available free of charge at all sales outlets and from DAT Deutsche Automobil Treuhand GmbH, Hellmuth-Hirth-Straße 1,73760 Ostfildern (

All information and illustrations are to be regarded as non-binding and represent an approximate description. Vehicle illustrations may contain optional extras that are subject to a surcharge.

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