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Official automobile partner
of Füchse Berlin
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Füchse Berlin Logo
Official automobile partner of Füchse Berlin
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Vacancies and training

Career at CSB Schimmel Automobile

CSB Schimmel Automobile is one of the largest employers in the automotive industry in Berlin and the surrounding area, with 4 locations and over 130 employees as well as 20 trainees. At its heart is a state-of-the-art workshop that specialises in both traditional combustion engines and electric vehicles. Our workshop works together with our in-house vehicle reconditioning centre and handles around 26,000 workshop runs per year. We carry the brands Hyundai, Mitsubishi, MG, FUSO and MAXUS. Our passion is not only limited to newer cars, but also extends to the care and restoration of classic and vintage cars.

Flat hierarchies and short decision-making processes characterise our family business and enable us to react quickly and flexibly to the ideas and suggestions of our employees. We encourage and promote active further training in line with personal and company requirements, including master craftsman training, in which we contribute financially. Our employees receive all tax-allowable discounts on our company's goods and services.

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"The best working conditions achieve the best results"

Become part of our team!

We have a 37-hour week (full-time), but flexible working time models are also possible by arrangement. We pay holiday and Christmas bonuses and also offer 29 days' holiday. As a family business, we naturally take the family concerns of our employees into consideration.

Ksenia Dolgaya
Location: Berlin-Hohenschönhausen

Ksenia Dolgaya

Personnel department

Four locations in Berlin and Brandenburg

Careers in Berlin-Hohenschönhausen at CSB Schimmel Automobile


Address: Genslerstr. 72, 13055 Berlin

Zepernicker Chaussee 49, 16321 Bernau

Wilhelminenhofstraße 89, 12459 Berlin

Am Juliusturm 15-29, 13599 Berlin

Sporting partnerships

Füchse Berlin automobile partner CSB Schimmel Automobile

Official automotive partner of Füchse Berlin

We have been a proud automotive partner of Füchse Berlin since 2018! Many players and managers rely on the vehicles in our fleet. Together, we support one of the best handball teams in Europe and regularly give tickets to our employees.

We have been passionately committed to Sportforum Berlin since 2016. Our goal: to give children, teenagers and young adults the opportunity to actively participate in sport.

Awards and honours

We focus on digitalisation and good customer service. We received the Automotive Business Award from the trade journal "kfz-betrieb" for our comprehensive digitalisation strategy and innovative approach to recruiting. In addition, our salesman Steve Dumke was honoured by with the title of "Best e-car salesman in Germany".

CSB Schimmel Automobile wins the Automotive Business Award 2024
Automotive Business Award - Digitalisation
Steve Dumke wins the golden battery from
Best e-car salesman in Germany - Steve Dumke
 Car Service Berlin (CSB) Car showroom Genslerstraße 1990

1990 - today


The origins of the family business CSB Schimmel Automobile GmbH date back to 1990, when our first car showroom was opened in Genslerstraße in Berlin. At that time, our journey began as Car Service Berlin (CSB) with the sale of used cars and a roadside assistance service, which quickly became well-known thanks to its 24-hour availability. This positive response enabled us to expand rapidly, and we were able to open our second dealership in Bernau near Berlin as early as 1993. Today, we offer a wide range of new, used and commercial vehicles from the Hyundai, Mitsubishi, MAXUS and FUSO brands at our four locations in Berlin and Brandenburg. Our original focus has evolved into a comprehensive range of mobility services with quality service at the centre.

YourHyundaiMG MotorMitsubishiFUSOMAXUSCar dealership

Half and annual cars

Everything under one roof

30 years of experience

Genslerstr. 72, 13055 Berlin

Mo. - Fr.
09:00 - 19:00 Clock
09:00 - 14:00 Clock
10:00 - 16:00 Clock
Mo. - Fr.
07:00 - 19:00 Clock
08:00 - 14:00 Clock

Wilhelminenhofstrasse 89, 12459 Berlin

Mo. - Fr.
09:00 - 19:00 Clock
09:00 - 14:00 Clock
10:00 - 16:00 Clock
Mo. - Fr.
07:00 - 19:00 Clock
08:00 - 14:00 Clock

Am Juliusturm 15-29, 13599 Berlin

Mo. - Fr.
09:00 - 19:00 Clock
09:00 - 14:00 Clock
10:00 - 16:00 Clock
Mo. - Fr.
07:00 - 19:00 Clock
08:00 - 14:00 Clock

Zepernicker Chaussee 49, 16321 Bernau

Mo. - Fr.
09:00 - 19:00 Clock
09:00 - 14:00 Clock
10:00 - 16:00 Clock
Mo. - Fr.
07:00 - 19:00 Clock
08:00 - 14:00 Clock
CSB Schimmel Automobile GmbH hat 4,28 von 5 Sternen 2560 Bewertungen auf
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Um diesen Inhalt anzeigen zu können, ist Ihre Zustimmung erforderlich.

I. Die Informationen erfolgen gemäß der Pkw-Energieverbrauchskennzeichnungsverordnung. Die angegebenen Werte wurden nach dem vorgeschriebenen Messverfahren WLTP (Worldwide Harmonised Light-Duty Vehicles Test Procedure) ermittelt. Der Kraftstoffverbrauch und der CO₂-Ausstoß eines Pkw sind nicht nur von der effizienten Ausnutzung des Kraftstoffs durch den Pkw, sondern auch vom Fahrstil und anderen nichttechnischen Faktoren abhängig. CO₂ ist das für die Erderwärmung hauptverantwortliche Treibhausgas. Ein Leitfaden über den Kraftstoffverbrauch und die CO₂-Emissionen aller in Deutschland angebotenen neuen Pkw-Modelle ist unentgeltlich einsehbar an jedem Verkaufsort in Deutschland, an dem neue Pkw ausgestellt oder angeboten werden. Der Leitfaden ist auch hier abrufbar:
CSB Schimmel Automobile
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