At the Hohenschönhausen, Schöneweide, Spandau and Bernau branches, customers can find the complete range of Hyundai, MG Motor and Mitsubishi vehicles. FUSO-LKW is represented at the Hohenschönhausen headquarters.
However, it is not only the range of vehicles on offer, but also the range of services is impressive. From the main and exhaust emission inspection to certified vehicle gas installation and the repair of serious accident damage: the customer is in the best hands at CSB. By operating its own plumbing and paint shop, the customer receives the entire service for their car from a single source.
With the opening of the car dealership in Bernau, CSB entered the Berlin area for the first time. The Bernau dealership was also the first new building that Managing Director Axel Schimmel was able to inaugurate. CSB opened in Schöneweide at almost the same time as the Bernau dealership.
On 4 November 1995, the first CSB dealership in the western part of the city was opened in the Spandau car mile at the Juliusturm.
On 13 December 1997 - earlier than originally planned - the CSB Mitsubishi Centre was opened in Genslerstrasse in Berlin.
KOPAN COMPANY is founded with the Hyundai/Subaru brands in Müllerstraße in Wedding - with its own workshop, plumbing, paint shop and insurance service. This was followed by the opening of further branches in Pankow, Hohenschönhausen, Schöneweide and Spandau.
Merger of the two companies and brands.
CSB now with 3 strong brands under one roof. Mitsubishi / Hyundai / FUSO trucks
Change of name: CSB becomes CSB Schimmel Automobile GmbH - Schimmel is the name of our founding family and the horse in the new logo - a symbol of constant dynamism with a flowing mane. We are a strong family business.
Half and annual cars
Everything under one roof
30 years of experience
Car dealership Berlin-Hohenschönhausen
Car dealership Berlin-Schöneweide
Car dealership Berlin-Spandau
Car dealership Bernau
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