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Car service workshop

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Official automobile partner of Füchse Berlin
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Top car brand workshop

All your workshop services at a glance

Our CSB Schimmel customers bring a wide variety of issues to our service workshop. With competent and fast solutions, we get you back on the road quickly. Our experienced team of qualified and trained employees carry out repairs and maintenance on all common car brands. We have particularly specialised knowledge of the Hyundai, Mitsubishi, MG Motor, Maxus and Fuso brands we offer for sale. We professionally repair damage to your vehicle's paintwork in our paint shop.

To avoid long waiting times for you at our dealership, we offer a targeted diagnosis of damage, faults or other sources of error in advance.At CSB Schimmel, you will receive a prompt appointment for the repair of your vehicle. In the meantime, we order the necessary spare parts and accessories so that they are on site in good time. It goes without saying that we can prepare a cost estimate for the planned repair work and estimate the current value of the vehicle.

Workshop team

Workshop scheduler

At which location would you like to have the services carried out?
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General inspection and maintenance

HU main inspection


We offer a comprehensive service in all our workshops to prepare for the statutory main inspection (HU) and exhaust emissions test (AU). The first MOT is carried out after three years, then every two years. In addition to our Hyundai, Mitsubishi, Fuso, MG and Maxus brands, we also carry out the HU/AU for vehicles of all other brands.

In addition to the main inspection and exhaust emissions test (HU/AU), we also offer preliminary inspections to detect defects at an early stage. Book your appointment for the HU/AU including preliminary inspection to receive a transparent cost breakdown. Your vehicle will be thoroughly inspected in our workshop by a DEKRA inspector.

Arrange a workshop appointment now to have your Hyundai, Mitsubishi or MG vehicle inspected to ensure it remains in top condition.

Tyre service

Wheel change

Wheel change

Our wheel service offers a professional wheel change for all vehicle types, in which all wheels are expertly removed and then refitted. Benefit from our selection of original Hyundai and Mitsubishi wheels.

Book an appointment today for a stress-free wheel change including storage. Enjoy the convenience of storing your summer or winter tyres safely at our dealership. We guarantee that your tyres will be stored professionally.

Typical problems such as uneven tyre wear or vibrations while driving are carefully checked and rectified by our experts.

As your reliable wheel doctor, we treat all types of damage, from minor scratches to major damage, with thorough wheel repair and reconditioning.

Mounting accessories

Bear-Lock anti-theft device

"Bear-Lock anti-theft device"

Protect your Hyundai, Mitsubishi or MG vehicle from unwanted access with the state-of-the-art Bear-Lock anti-theft device. The car theft protection is effective against common theft attempts and professional break-in attempts.

Equip your Hyundai, Mitsubishi or MG with a first-class parking heater from Webasto or Eberspächer for the cold season and enjoy the luxury of a vehicle that is always pre-heated.

Protect your vehicle from marten damage with our efficient marten defence. Our systems use ultrasound and high voltage for reliable protection of your Hyundai, Mitsubishi or MG.

Expand the possible uses of your vehicle and make it fit for versatile transport tasks. Whether you want to tow a trailer, fit a bike rack or use other transport solutions, our towbars offer you the ideal solution.

Prepare for your next adventure and maximise your vehicle's storage space with our high-quality roof box. Whether you need extra space for ski equipment, camping gear or other bulky items.

Discover flexible transport options for your equipment with our roof racks. Ideal for roof boxes, skis and more. Simple installation guaranteed.

Discover flexible bike carriers, suitable for all types of bikes including e-bikes. Perfect for individual adventures or tours with friends, with space for up to three bikes.

Season checks

Season checks

Season checks

We ensure that your vehicle is optimally prepared for every season and that potential problems are recognised at an early stage. Arrange your seasonal check for one of our workshops today and get the peace of mind that your Hyundai, Mitsubishi or MG is always in top condition.

Ensure the safety of your vehicle with our brake check. Our experts will check your vehicle's brake pads and ** systems** to make sure they are working properly.

Ensure the reliability of your vehicle with our battery check. Our battery check includes a thorough check of the charge status of your car battery.

Our light test provides a detailed check of all vehicle lights, including headlights, tail lights, indicators and fog lights. We guarantee that all lights are working properly and are precisely adjusted to ensure optimum visibility and safety.

Air conditioning maintenance

Basic package

Basic package

Avoid unpleasant odours and a decline in the cooling performance of your air conditioning system with our basic package. A neglected air conditioning system can lead to the growth of bacteria and mould, which is not only unpleasant but can also endanger your health. Our basic package includes disinfecting the air conditioning system and replacing the cabin air filter. Make an appointment today via our online scheduler for the workshop of your choice to maintain your air conditioning system and make the journey in your Hyundai, Mitsubishi or MG more pleasant.

A defective seal or a low refrigerant level can lead to inadequate cooling and, in the worst case, to expensive repairs. Our standard package includes air conditioning maintenance including replacement of the cabin filter, seal inspection and topping up the refrigerant. Make your appointment today using our online scheduler and stay cool and comfortable on the road, even on hot days.

Treat your air conditioning system to the best with our premium package. Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure optimum performance of your air conditioning system and avoid expensive repairs. Our premium package offers you a comprehensive air conditioning service, including sanitising the air conditioning system, replacing the cabin filter, checking the seals and topping up the refrigerant. Book your appointment today via our online scheduler for a workshop of your choice.

Other services

Oil change

Oil change

Ensure optimum engine performance with our specialised oil change. We change your engine oil and only use high-quality lubricants to ensure the highest engine quality.

We offer a professional service for replacing and fitting new brake pads to ensure optimum braking performance and maximum safety for your vehicle at all times.

Our workshop service includes the replacement and professional installation of new wiper blades to guarantee you clear visibility in all weather conditions. Rely on the expertise of our specialists for your safe drive. We use original Hyundai and Mitsubishi blades.

Miscellaneous and manufacturer promotions

Further manufacturer campaigns

Miscellaneous and manufacturer promotions

In addition to the services listed, we also offer many other services at our dealerships. If you have specific enquiries or would like to benefit from manufacturer promotions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Use our contact field in the workshop appointment planner or simply give us a call.

Online appointment booking

Simply arrange your workshop appointment for one of our 4 locations online. Your service appointment at your convenience!

YourHyundaiMG MotorMitsubishiFUSOMAXUSCar dealership

Half and annual cars

Everything under one roof

30 years of experience

Genslerstr. 72, 13055 Berlin

Mo. - Fr.
09:00 - 19:00 Clock
09:00 - 14:00 Clock
10:00 - 16:00 Clock
Mo. - Fr.
07:00 - 19:00 Clock
08:00 - 14:00 Clock

Wilhelminenhofstrasse 89, 12459 Berlin

Mo. - Fr.
09:00 - 19:00 Clock
09:00 - 14:00 Clock
10:00 - 16:00 Clock
Mo. - Fr.
07:00 - 19:00 Clock
08:00 - 14:00 Clock

Am Juliusturm 15-29, 13599 Berlin

Mo. - Fr.
09:00 - 19:00 Clock
09:00 - 14:00 Clock
10:00 - 16:00 Clock
Mo. - Fr.
07:00 - 19:00 Clock
08:00 - 14:00 Clock

Zepernicker Chaussee 49, 16321 Bernau

Mo. - Fr.
09:00 - 19:00 Clock
09:00 - 14:00 Clock
10:00 - 16:00 Clock
Mo. - Fr.
07:00 - 19:00 Clock
08:00 - 14:00 Clock
CSB Schimmel Automobile GmbH hat 4,28 von 5 Sternen 2560 Bewertungen auf
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I. Die Informationen erfolgen gemäß der Pkw-Energieverbrauchskennzeichnungsverordnung. Die angegebenen Werte wurden nach dem vorgeschriebenen Messverfahren WLTP (Worldwide Harmonised Light-Duty Vehicles Test Procedure) ermittelt. Der Kraftstoffverbrauch und der CO₂-Ausstoß eines Pkw sind nicht nur von der effizienten Ausnutzung des Kraftstoffs durch den Pkw, sondern auch vom Fahrstil und anderen nichttechnischen Faktoren abhängig. CO₂ ist das für die Erderwärmung hauptverantwortliche Treibhausgas. Ein Leitfaden über den Kraftstoffverbrauch und die CO₂-Emissionen aller in Deutschland angebotenen neuen Pkw-Modelle ist unentgeltlich einsehbar an jedem Verkaufsort in Deutschland, an dem neue Pkw ausgestellt oder angeboten werden. Der Leitfaden ist auch hier abrufbar:
CSB Schimmel Automobile
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