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Time to change tyres

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Tyre and wheel change

Our service for tyres

Just in time for the change of season in spring or winter, some preparations are also due on your car. The right tyres for the upcoming weather conditions are important in order to reach your next destination safely. We are your reliable partner for servicing your car. Make an appointment at one of our four locations for your next tyre change.

Tyre change in Berlin

Professional tyre service in Berlin and Brandenburg

Wheel change

Wheel change

Anyone who has ever changed the tyres on their vehicle knows how time-consuming the process can be. We take this work off your hands. Our service staff will change your summer or winter tyres with routine.

from 34,00 €

Book an appointment today for a stress-free wheel change including storage. Enjoy the convenience of storing your summer or winter tyres safely with us. We guarantee that your tyres will be stored professionally.

Imbalances can be caused, for example, by general wheel wear and increased stress due to road conditions. Potholes put mechanical stress on the rim and can subsequently impair the driving behaviour. The resulting imbalance can cause unpleasant vibrations when driving, which can lead to one-sided wear of the wheels or damage to the vehicle. Typical problems such as uneven tyre wear or vibrations while driving are carefully checked and rectified by our experts.

Seasonal tyre change

According to the well-known rule "from O to O", winter tyres are used from October to Easter and summer tyres from Easter to October. The correct tyres for the respective season ensure the necessary grip and avoid unnecessary dangerous situations. Our service workshop is ready to change your tyres just in time for summer or winter. We change your tyres quickly, cheaply and easily at one of our four locations in Berlin-Brandenburg. In the meantime, we will be happy to store your tyres for you.

Self-check your tyres - our tips:

  • The recommended tread depth for safe driving is 4 mm. Take particular care not to go below the legal minimum of 1.6 mm.
  • The recommendations for your vehicle model can be found in the petrol filler cap or on the driver's door.
  • You should invest in new tyres after a maximum of six years.
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Differences between summer and winter tyres

Choosing the right tyres depending on the season is crucial for the safety and performance of a vehicle. Summer and winter tyres are specially designed for the different conditions that the respective seasons bring with them. While summer tyres are designed for high temperatures and dry roads, winter tyres offer optimum properties for cold conditions and wintry conditions.

Rubber compound:

Winter tyres:

Winter tyres are made of a rubber compound with a higher proportion of natural rubber, which allows them to remain flexible even in cold conditions. This flexibility is crucial for good grip and precise driving behaviour in cold temperatures.

Summer tyres:

Unlike winter tyres, summer tyres are not designed for cold temperatures. Their special rubber compound is designed to perform optimally in warmer conditions. As the tyre is softer, the contact area with the road is larger, which allows heat to be distributed evenly while driving. This promotes grip and improves handling characteristics. At low temperatures, this compound tends to harden quickly, which significantly reduces the tyre's performance.

Tread pattern:

Winter tyres:

Winter tyres are characterised by deeper and wider tread grooves that have been specially developed to effectively absorb snow. In addition, they are equipped with thousands of tiny incisions on the tread surface, the so-called sipes. These sipes significantly improve grip on snow, slush and ice and help to displace water to prevent aquaplaning.

Summer tyres:

Unlike winter tyres, summer tyres are characterised by their flatter tread and a reduced number of sipes. The flatter profile together with fewer sipes allows summer tyres to maintain close contact with the road surface, which significantly improves performance and handling at higher temperatures.

Tread depth:

Winter ty

res: A minimum tread depth of 4 mm is required by law for winter tyres.

Summer ty

res: A minimum tread depth of 1.6 mm is required by law for summer tyres.


Winter ty

res: Due to their numerous sipes and their design for harsh conditions, winter tyres tend to wear faster or more unevenly, depending on the specific driving conditions.

Summer ty

res: Due to their smaller number of grooves and low tread depth, summer tyres are more stable and have a longer service life.

Why CSB Schimmel Automobile

**Expertise and experience:**Our master mechanics, vehicle technicians and automotive mechatronics engineers are highly experienced and have extensive knowledge in all vehicle areas.

Transparent service: There are no hidden costs with us. All recommended repairs are discussed with you in advance.

**Customer satisfaction:**Our goal is your complete satisfaction. We endeavour to carry out all services to your complete satisfaction.

Automotive mechatronics technician in front of classic car

Risks with heavily worn tyres

Increased fuel consumption

Worn tyres can increase fuel consumption as the engine has to work harder to move the vehicle.

Tyre burst

Old tyres lose their elasticity over time, which increases the risk of a tyre burst when exposed to high speeds or temperatures. Regular checks of tyres for signs of ageing can minimise this risk.

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Online appointment booking

Simply arrange your workshop appointment for one of our 4 locations online. Your service appointment at your convenience!

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07:00 - 19:00 Clock
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Wilhelminenhofstrasse 89, 12459 Berlin

Mo. - Fr.
09:00 - 19:00 Clock
09:00 - 14:00 Clock
10:00 - 16:00 Clock
Mo. - Fr.
07:00 - 19:00 Clock
08:00 - 14:00 Clock

Am Juliusturm 15-29, 13599 Berlin

Mo. - Fr.
09:00 - 19:00 Clock
09:00 - 14:00 Clock
10:00 - 16:00 Clock
Mo. - Fr.
07:00 - 19:00 Clock
08:00 - 14:00 Clock

Zepernicker Chaussee 49, 16321 Bernau

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09:00 - 19:00 Clock
09:00 - 14:00 Clock
10:00 - 16:00 Clock
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I. Die Informationen erfolgen gemäß der Pkw-Energieverbrauchskennzeichnungsverordnung. Die angegebenen Werte wurden nach dem vorgeschriebenen Messverfahren WLTP (Worldwide Harmonised Light-Duty Vehicles Test Procedure) ermittelt. Der Kraftstoffverbrauch und der CO₂-Ausstoß eines Pkw sind nicht nur von der effizienten Ausnutzung des Kraftstoffs durch den Pkw, sondern auch vom Fahrstil und anderen nichttechnischen Faktoren abhängig. CO₂ ist das für die Erderwärmung hauptverantwortliche Treibhausgas. Ein Leitfaden über den Kraftstoffverbrauch und die CO₂-Emissionen aller in Deutschland angebotenen neuen Pkw-Modelle ist unentgeltlich einsehbar an jedem Verkaufsort in Deutschland, an dem neue Pkw ausgestellt oder angeboten werden. Der Leitfaden ist auch hier abrufbar:
CSB Schimmel Automobile
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